Prism Studded Grip
50,00 €
Varasto loppu
2 kpl noin 13cm*23cm grippiä joista leikkaamalla saat haluamasi grip-kokonaisuuden lautaan. Yhteensä 90 nastaa.Valmistettu Kanadassa.
“Our injection molded polyurethane studded ‘Prism’ stomp pad is designed and made in Canada by Harfang Solutions for the harshest environments and weather conditions. The studs will enhance your snowskating with added grip and traction under your feet for maximum control and trick consistency. Easy to cut and stick directly onto your snowskate’s foam grip. Follow our recommeded setup or get creative and customize to your own riding style. Each pad includes two (2) 5in x 9in sheets with adhesive backing for a total of 90 studs.”
Ambition snowskates on maailman johtava snowskeittien valmistaja. Laudat on käsintehty Kanadassa.